
2014年5月29日 星期四

203 Take The Leg You Requested Away!

    Not all witches are mighty. Some of them are humble and incapable. They may contract with demons to gain great power, or just for satisfying a wish. Ofcourse they shall pay the cost, here is a case.

    Witch Diana had met Black Cat several times. She envied Black Cat's achievement, but no matter how harsh she trained herself, Diana still is much inferior to Black Cat. Finally had a deal with demon Lucifa. She can borrow great power from Lucifa, but if Lucifa wants to borrow any part of Diana's body, then Diana must provide it ASAP.

    Today Lucifa wants a leg from Diana--and how unlucky, Diana is dating a dreamily handsome guy...

4 則留言:

  1. There's a reason why making a deal with the devil is a bad thing!

  2. You know, I had to go back and comment again on this.
    When I was young, I saw a picture of the Devil. The picture of the Devil had a Goat's leg and Chicken's leg, and I wondered why. I remembered learning from my mother that The Serpent in the Garden of Eden that tempted Eve was the Devil. And that God cursed the Serpent by taking away it's arms and it's legs. So I thought the reason why "The Evil One" had a Goat Leg and a Chicken Leg is that it had to borrow the legs of others to walk. It was one of my very first thoughts on The Possibilities of Detachment Magic.

    Later when Power Puff Girls came out with HIM, who it is suggested he is devil Satan, I thought the reason why HIM wore heeled boots and a dress is that he stole the lower body of a woman to walk.

    I see you called the demon Lucifa, but Diana taunts angrily "Well, are you satisfied now, dear Lucifer?" Maybe it's really Devil/Satan/Lucifer that is borrowing Diana's body parts?

    Borrowing the body parts would make sense for the Devil, as he wouldn't want any ownership over them. That might make them accursed and wither away because the The Judeo Christian Muslim God stated he would not have arms or legs but forced to crawl and eat dust. So he might be forced to make deals to get the parts he needs every day as a way to get around this punishment.

    Then "Lucifia" could be the name he takes when he decides to get Lady Parts for the day XD
    And I have a neat little explanation why the Evil One would want to get her glam on also.

    If we were to introduce Lucifia as a character, I like this version of HIM to appear in Taoyundao...
    He would be The Green Knight's hated adversary, but The Evil One might see him as a project he's worked so hard in corrupting.
    He would give Black Cat fits like he does the Power Puff Girls. He's way powerful.
    Alexander might convince him to get involved in fray at Taoyundao, but I would prefer for him to show up after The Moon Bride Fight Saga. Maybe we could have a Lucifa Saga?

    1. Lucifia XDDD I like this idea!
      HIM's image suits Lucifia perfectly. We can alter it for Lucifia a bit.

      I prefer this one: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110516010329/power-puff-girls/images/a/a3/Him-Main.jpg

    2. Okay, that one is cool! Though I did like the Jester's hat that hid his horns, but we can do without that :P

      I don't know if you have ever seen "El Diablo" Card of The Loteria, but you can see the chicken's foot and the goat's foot he has on the picture.

      An idea, you could manipulate a picture to draw Lucifia relaxing in Hell, perhaps with crossed legs. Let me know if you need me to draw a back ground. I have been thinking of making a post for every legendary religious figure, good or evil. Lucifia might be a good place to start!
