
2015年11月29日 星期日

303 Seeraafuku Obake

About heterogeneous magical beings, please read

    Seeraafuku means "Sailor school uniform" in Japanese. It's the most popular girls' uniform for Japanese high school, and also becomes the symbol of high school girls. Traditionally seeraafuku represents the pureness and innocence of high school girls. Because of the power of the ideation, seeraafuku obake was formed.

    Seeraafuku obake (sailor uniform monster, セーラー服お化け) is the embodiment of people's imagination about Japanese high school girls. A girl wearing seeraafuku will be considered as a gentle and well-behaved one. Because a uniform doesn't need individual difference, seeraafuku obake doesn't have face for that. It also doesn't have legs because footwear isn't a part of the uniform. The seeraafuku obake just needs to own it's torso for wearing thing-in-itself and containing the pure girlish heart, and a pair of spiritual eyes outside thing-in-itself for observing the condition of itself. It has to make sure of the perfectness of being the wonderful school girl.

    Today our dear seeraafuku obake has a good mood because a colorful pretty bird is standing on her. She moves carefully for not to disturb the exquisite small creature.

2015年11月27日 星期五

302 Chouchin Obake

About heterogeneous magical beings, please read

    Let's talk about another Japanese monster- chouchin obake (paper lantern monster, 提灯おばけ). Similar to kasa obake, chouchin obake was transformed from a Japanese traditional lantern. However, kasa obake acts like a little animal, and chouchin obake is much more girlish. You may fall in love with chouchin obake if you meet her ;)

    Chouchin obake is composed of three segments. Of course, she has a real chouchin (paper lantern) as her root of existence. Below the lantern, there is a pair of female legs. Those legs look pretty realistic, and they do walk. Chouchin obake needs them for transporting herself.

    There is the "fairy segment" above the lantern. It was formed by chouchin obake's spiritual energy and represents how does the chouchin obake think about herself. The small fairy is very cute and vivid, it may play or dance with you all day long to share her feeling of happiness to you.

    See, she's walking to you, and invites you to watch firework show with her. would you? ;>

2015年11月21日 星期六

301 Heterogeneous Magical Beings

    In Taoyundao, there are a lot of kinds of human-shaped surreal beings. Most of them can be considered as extended human beings since they are pretty similar to mankind. Each of them may have one mind, one heart, and a whole human-shaped body, such as demons, witches, vampires, demigods, and so on.

    However, there also exists different human-like surreal beings. They only represent somehow a minor portion of human features. Their bodies may consist of some parts of human bodies, they perhaps don't have integral personalities, their hearts maybe not complete. They are so-called heterogeneous magical beings. For example, kasa obake (paper umbrella monster, 傘おばけ) is such a case.

    Kasa obake is the monster whom was transformed from a Japanese traditional paper umbrella. The umbrella stem becomes a human-like leg. Their mentalities are much inferior to ours, most of them are harmless.

    Although kasa obake usually have ugly legs, some of them have beautiful ones. Some people may try to lure such kasa obake to home and keep them.

    Will you like to pet such a kasa obake? :3

2015年11月18日 星期三

405 Beloved Zombie

About zombie, please read:

    This time we will talk about a special zombie. Her body parts aren't powered by her own residual thoughts and affections-- they are supported by other's love.

    Before Yin-Wen's death, she had a secret admirer, Kuo-Ching. He had all his mind set on Yin-Wen, but Yin-Wen never knew that. She and Kuo-Ching were colleagues and close friends. Yin-Wen talked to Kuo-Ching, smiled to Kuo-Ching, and said "hello" and "byebye" to Kuo-Ching day by day. Kuo-Ching's heart was totally melted by Yin-Wen's smiling face.

    However, Yin-Wen's heart was already grabbed by another guy. That guy was really a badass. He owned Yin-Wen's heart, but he didn't treasure it. The guy just wanted to enjoy her beautiful body and money. Yin-Wen understood it rationally, but she couldn't resist her heart and desire from her body. She had struggled, but it didn't work. Finally, she chose to suicide for preserving her pure and sensitive spirit from being spoiled by her tainted body and love. This kind of gross body, she didn't want it.

    Kuo-Ching had inborn surreal power. When he saw Yin-Wen's dead body, he hold it and cried out a river. His power flew into Yin-Wen's dead body with love, and it made parts of that junked body to be functional again.

    Yin-Wen's body parts "woke up" in Kuo-Ching's chest. Since her heart was ruined, it didn't constrain other Yin-Wen's parts anymore, and her brain finally could think reasonally. It recognized Kuo-Ching's love, and accepted it naturally. Yin-Wen's dead body decided to become Kuo-Ching's private treasure.

    Now Yin-Wen is a zombie run by Kuo-Ching's love. No matter how severe event she meets, Yin-Wen believes that Kuo-Ching's love will take care of her whole body tenderly and carefully.

    "Kuo-Ching, the left leg of your beloved Yin-Wen had been wounded today, will you repair Yin-Wen with love? Heehee."

2015年11月9日 星期一

404 The Humble Good Vampire

About vampire, please read:

    Vampires usually view humans as inferior beings and just can be foods or slaves. They are evil to humankind. However, there exists some rare cases-- the good vampires. Huang Rong(黃蓉) is one of them.

    Huang Rong is the granddaughter of Li Mei-Xian's(李 梅仙, Black Cat's mother, http://taoyundao.blogspot.tw/2014/05/black-cats-legendary-mother-black-cats.html ) cousin, Huang Fei-Hung(黃 飛鴻). Huang Fei-Hung is Huang Don-Yang (黃 冬陽,"winter sunshine"), Huang Chun-Xiang's (Li Mei-Xian's mother, http://taoyundao.blogspot.tw/2014/05/the-filthiest-holy-lady-and-her.html ) and Huang Sha-Yi's (Huang Ya-Lian's ancestor, http://taoyundao.blogspot.tw/2014/05/creating-her-own-god-to-worship-latest.html ) younger brother.

    Huang Rong was captured by a vampire about 100 years ago. The vampire sucked her blood, and converted her to be a vampire, too. She controlled Huang Rong for many years, and Huang Rong was forced to attack other people. Huang Rong was so painful during those days. The vampire had renames Huang Rong as Grace for mocking her.

    Later, that bad vampire(a lesbian) fell in love with Huang Rong about 70 years ago. Because she had enslaved Huang Rong, she tried a special way to feel Huang Rong's true heart-- she attached her head on Huang Rong's body(together with heart). The vampire's brain instantly received deep sadness and hate from Huang Rong's heart, and she knew that she was Huang Rong in fact despite she had the mind of the bad vampire. Driven by Huang Rong's heart, the complex decided to terminated the source Huang Rong's pain. The vampire's head started to commander Huang Rong's body to dismember the her original body. After she totally destroyed herself, Huang Rong was liberated.

    Liberated Huang Rong cried loudly. She remembered how many people she had killed with her bloody hands. She hated vampires, and she is also a vampire. Huang Rong decided to fight evil vampires to atone for her crime. She gave up her true identity and still named herself as Grace. She truly needs the grace.

    Huang Rong created an organization and revealed her truth to members first. She asked them for supporting her. They research how to enhance Huang Rong's ability, forge her weapons against other vampires and collect blood for feeding her.

    Today, after a tough battle, Huang Rong defeated a mighty vampire. She came back her base for healing herself.

    Huang Rong doesn't suck blood, so the organization attaches a blood bag on her neck. The rival had severed her left leg and sucked it's blood, so her poisoned left leg needs special treatment. Most of the rival's body had been ruined, and Huang Rong brings some pieces back for researching. Those pieces try to get together for reviving the defeated vampire, but they can't. Huang Rong's body still desires to suck other's blood, so the organization implants a device into her abdomen for her to control herself. The organization can ask Huang Rong's reasonable ideas from her head, and enslave her body through the device by imitating Huang Rong's former master. In such way, Huang Rong's mind can lead herself indirectly, she is her own slave.

    Though her body has done a lot for her on fighting evil vampires and got heavily wounded, Huang Rong still views it as another one of hateful vampires. She trashed her own existence, so she never feel shy because of being naked when the organization is healing her body, it's just a damned thing to her.

    Huang Rong is so humble, but she is actually a true heroine!

2015年11月4日 星期三

403 Zombie Maid

About zombie, please read:

    Most zombies are speechless, but a few of them aren't. When such zombies were still alive, they were vivid and extrovert persons. Although being zombies will change their minds, they may still like to talk.

    Some brave guys who have magical power may bring such zombies home and modify zombies for their use. For example, here is a zombie maid. She takes off her head and ask her master for cleaning her neck.

Wanna guess what did she eat? XD

2015年11月1日 星期日

402 Vampire Sonia: Be Fake Of Fake

About living dead (zombies & vampires), please read

    Vampire Sonia is a "True Ancestor". Once she had built her kingdom of monsters in the Balkan region. Unlike other powerful monsters, Sonia kept a lower profile without hurting too much people. Sonia couldn't be said as a good one, but she could understand the pain of others. She sucked blood of persons blood, but she won't kill them. Though she had enslaved several persons, most of them were volunteer because being vampires can make them live long. Because she didn't act too evilly, Sonia thought that she could keep peace with good guys relatively, till the day came.

    About fifteen years ago, Vatican sent an elite force to pursue after Sonia and destroy her kingdom. Sonia was surprise-assaulted. She hadn't prepared for fight and got heavily injured. Her subordinates tried their best to bring paralyzed Sonia out of the battlefield. They found a small abandoned church and hid there.

    In the church, Sonia ordered her subordinates to sever her body into segments. Those religion guards could sense her aura, she must suppress her life energy to the lowest level. After that, Sonia asked for inserting iron sticks immersed with holy water into her severed body parts. Holy water poisoned Sonia body parts, antagonized their self-healing effects, made them almost die. Those body parts became "disabled", each of them lost its surreal function and conceptual meaning as a part of Sonia. Later they were enchanted to be transformed to something like stone carvings. She was disguised as a mannequin and turned into a fake of a fake.

    Vatican warriors couldn't track Sonia anymore, they finally gave up. One of her enslaved vampire subordinates mailed Sonia's parts to Far East to avoid Vatican before his death. Many years later, an art collector found Sonia's pieces, he was fascinated by the mysterious feeling. He bought them and placed them in his showroom. Sonia's parts absorbed human energy automatically bit by bit since then, and her head started to recover itself slowly.

    Sonia still doesn't have her complete ego, she just gets some fragmented  thoughts and emotions. However, her power of hate is very tough, perhaps one day she may revive, and the "True Ancestor" vampire will be brought to Taoyundao...

401 Living Dead: Zombies & Vampires

    There exists two kinds of living dead in Taoyundao world: zombies and vampires.

    Generally speaking, zombies are those dead who hold strong residual thoughts and affections about their lives. Akagi is a good example (http://taoyundao.blogspot.tw/2014/05/black-cats-pseudo-family-black-cat.html). Most zombies treasure every part of their own bodies, even if those parts were destroyed. They also stay fascinated at alive biological stuff, like fresh human meat. Their soul were dispersed when they died, but residual thoughts can keep them to act.

    Miyako is a zombie. Before her death, she was an apprentice of a witch, and one day she was torn to pieces by a terrible demon. Miyako regretted so much at the last moment, and her emotion of desiring to survive made her left body become a zombie.

Zombie Miyako

Graphic expression

    Miyako's body was totally ruined. She collected parts which were in better conditions and enhanced them to be more useful by regrouping them and adding foreign organs on for supplement, then she tried to recover her spoiled pieces. Her brain worked to plan to reconstruct herself finally.

    If you meet Miyako, she can talk to you normally. However, that doesn't mean she has real consciousness. Her parts are still functional, but they just work mechanically. They are grouped biological devices, and the strong residual emotion makes them to be an integral.

    Talking to vampires, that's a different story. They keep their souls even after their death, but those souls are altered. Vampires usually posess aweful magical power, and they may view theirselves as advanced or improved human beings. Unlike zombies, vampires prefer to absorb living power and spiritual energy by sucking people's blood, and usually they have perfect bodies.

    Next time we will talk about a special case of the vampires, see you!