
2015年11月1日 星期日

402 Vampire Sonia: Be Fake Of Fake

About living dead (zombies & vampires), please read

    Vampire Sonia is a "True Ancestor". Once she had built her kingdom of monsters in the Balkan region. Unlike other powerful monsters, Sonia kept a lower profile without hurting too much people. Sonia couldn't be said as a good one, but she could understand the pain of others. She sucked blood of persons blood, but she won't kill them. Though she had enslaved several persons, most of them were volunteer because being vampires can make them live long. Because she didn't act too evilly, Sonia thought that she could keep peace with good guys relatively, till the day came.

    About fifteen years ago, Vatican sent an elite force to pursue after Sonia and destroy her kingdom. Sonia was surprise-assaulted. She hadn't prepared for fight and got heavily injured. Her subordinates tried their best to bring paralyzed Sonia out of the battlefield. They found a small abandoned church and hid there.

    In the church, Sonia ordered her subordinates to sever her body into segments. Those religion guards could sense her aura, she must suppress her life energy to the lowest level. After that, Sonia asked for inserting iron sticks immersed with holy water into her severed body parts. Holy water poisoned Sonia body parts, antagonized their self-healing effects, made them almost die. Those body parts became "disabled", each of them lost its surreal function and conceptual meaning as a part of Sonia. Later they were enchanted to be transformed to something like stone carvings. She was disguised as a mannequin and turned into a fake of a fake.

    Vatican warriors couldn't track Sonia anymore, they finally gave up. One of her enslaved vampire subordinates mailed Sonia's parts to Far East to avoid Vatican before his death. Many years later, an art collector found Sonia's pieces, he was fascinated by the mysterious feeling. He bought them and placed them in his showroom. Sonia's parts absorbed human energy automatically bit by bit since then, and her head started to recover itself slowly.

    Sonia still doesn't have her complete ego, she just gets some fragmented  thoughts and emotions. However, her power of hate is very tough, perhaps one day she may revive, and the "True Ancestor" vampire will be brought to Taoyundao...

