
2014年6月2日 星期一

016 The Keeper Of Ayase's Faith

About Ayase the White Exorcist, please read 003 "Rival As The Best Friend":

    Ayase's power comes from her faith, she is deeply religious. However, she still suffers a lot from battles, and those pains may let her heart waver in believe though Ayase had devoted it to the God. Besides, using holy power to fight also consumes the energy of faith. As mentioned above, once Ayase almost gave up being a exorcist. She cried loudly because of her pain and useless.

    One night while Ayase was sleeping, she felt that a spirit entered her body, but it didn't scare Ayase. Ayase didn't know why, but she just knew it's an angel. Since then, the angel lives in Ayase, it always prays for Ayase. When Ayase's heart gets broken, the angel touchs it to heal the wound; when Ayase is losing her faith, the angel regenerates it again. With that angle, Ayase just thinks she can be qualified as a capable exorcist. The angel takes care of Ayase's heart from inner, so that Ayase can fight the God's enemy without reservation.

    Sometimes after a harsh battle, another angel will come. It will take off  part of Ayase's belly for uncovering Ayase's angel. Then Ayase's angel can receive energy from the Heaven directly. It's the only moment that Ayase can face her angel. She always appreciates it very much.

6 則留言:

  1. My opinions of Angelic Possession...
    Ayase's angel should never take over her body, unless it absolutely helps her, for example Ayase's head has been enchanted off of her body, so the Angel takes over to keep her enemies from taking over her powers.
    Ayase received the following powers from her Angel, who dose not force control over Ayase...
    Telekinesis (Levitation, psychokinesis of distant objects)
    Telepathy (Read Minds, detect illnesses in others)
    Knows the behavior of demons and angels on the island
    Telekinetically Enhanced Strength

    (Think of a Demon that respects the people it possesses and doesn't force it will over that person. Here is a real life case of Demonic Possession.)

    Catholic Opinions on Angelic Possession

  2. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to Ayase-- cuz I also like this little lady very much ; )

    The angel is there just for supporting Ayase from her deepest inside. It takes care of Ayase's heart, keeps her faith, protects her from the erosion of evil aura, and charges Ayase's blessed legs. The angel does anything good for Ayase, but it never touches Ayase's free will.

    Ayase is such tough and determined, she fights like the most brave holy warrior. However, she is a young girl. When she is weak, she needs someone to strength her; when she doubts, she needs someone to give her a hand; when she loses her ego, she needs someone to pull it back; when she feels abandoned, she needs someone to entrust herself to. The angel doesn't manipulate Ayase's mind, that's Ayase who wants to devote herself to protecting others and defending the Christianity. Ayase is totally my version of Jean of Arc ^^

    BTW, the angel can't prevent Ayase from death. She have to fight on her own. So, that's not
    being invincible makes Ayase fight fearlessly; Ayase doesn't need such a give-and-take condition. She is truly noble-minded!

  3. I like the angel idea, but it should be in Ayase's mind as a faithful Catholic, or at least what her mentor The Green Knight that Ayase get her powers from her communion in with Jesus in the Holy Ghost which allows her to access the power of God as he wishes her to use it.

    Traditional Catholic Viewpoints on the Holy Ghost

    "the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God."

    Benny Hinn (Evangelical Pastor) viewpoint on the Holy Ghost, notice the different interpretation
    "The Holy Spirit is our power. Make room for Him. Don’t ignore Him. Ignoring the Holy Spirit results in powerlessness. Powerlessness is NOT an option. Learn WHO He is, HOW He operates and HOW you can enter into relationship with Him."

    1. Oh, I forgot the Holy Spirit...

      Let me add some descriptions. Ayase has the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit, so she has the power. However, compared to other believers, Ayase suffers too much and always expends all her living energy because of her deeds for defensing the belief. Compared with normal believers, she really needs more supports. An angel inside her can help Ayase in restoring her energy and faith, and she will have the confidence to fight as she has a companion never apart from her.

    2. I understand. It's a tough concept to wrap your mind around. I think I have told you this before...

      The way to understand this is
      God, The Father, is the dreamer asleep
      Jesus Christ is God in his dream
      Everyone in the universe, real or surreal are in his dream
      The Holy Ghost is in those who act as God's Friends in his dream. Think about your parents and your friends when they appear in your dream. They aren't really your parents or your friends, but representations of how you perceive them. So good friends will usually be your good friends in your dream, might even rescue you. Bad people you don't like will be hostile to you in your dreams. But since God is the only being who is real on his level, everyone else is made up by him in his dream.

      I hope that wasn't too confusing. :P

    3. I know, you told me before. But I will like to let the real structure of the Taoyundao to be mysterious. And for Ayase's cuteness, I will choose alternative set of settings for her. The concept of "being filled" and "being entered" attracts me a lot. Ayase always tries her best to be the strongest container to receiving the holiness from her god. Her angel can be considered as the amplifier of the holy power she receives. That's why I select this setting.

      But, as I said, it not needed that we must have the same explanation for one phenomenon. Different explanations can bring us different fun XD
