
2018年5月9日 星期三

922 Too Long!

So Long:https://taoyundao.blogspot.tw/2014/06/904-so-long-in-taoyundao-any.html

    In Taoyundao, any unimaginary things can happen.

    Satomi thinks that herself is a normal girl. However, she isn't. She is a rokurokubi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokurokubi), a magical being, but she doesn't know. Though Satomi's head works just like others' heads, her body is actually the boss. Her body really has its own ego, not similar to yours or mine, but it does have. It can't realizes things and needs Satomi's head to provide it the mind. However, when Satomi's body senses that Satomi's mind has become libidinous or fallen into love with a guy, it will elongate Satomi's neck for lifting Satomi's head.

    Thereafter, Satomi's head will be deactivated, and a magical port will appear on her neck. A rune-fairy created by Satomi's father will be summoned for "cleaning up" Satomi's head by sending magical spells into it, then Satomi's pureness will be kept.

    Later, Satomi will come back as a pure girl again. " Oh, what a fragrant bouquet~"

