
2018年5月23日 星期三

318 The Treasure Basin

About heterogeneous magical beings, please read

    Ju-Bao-Pen (聚寶盆, the treasure basin) is a supernatural being that looks like a female lower half. She can walk and act as a normal girl's lower half does, and her "basin" can gather riches.

    If you are chosen by her, she may accompany you by your side forever, or you can take away treasures stored in her basin, but she will go away because those treasures are made from her existence. It will be so much pain to her if you pull out treasures from her body, and she will know that you have no affection for her.

    Will you keep a cute half girl by your side? Or take away all treasures for once? Ju-Bao-Pen is waiting for your answer ;)

2 則留言:

  1. Collects treasures? I wonder if she goes around collecting list coins which mystically appear in her basin as she comes into their presence?

    1. Hmmm, I have modified some of her description:
      JuBaoPen is a surreal being, and those treasures are actually things transformed from her parts. So, she can control them. JuBaoPen can prevent you from touching things inside her basin with magical power.If she doesn't allow you, you can't take away anything.

      But if the one whom she chose wants to dig out those treasures, the feeling of being rebelled by her love will make her weak, so she can't resist that. But the sadness will drive her to disappear.
