
2017年11月2日 星期四

219 Periodical Overhaul Maintenance

    Living in the way of being a witch isn't as easy as a piece of cake. For example, you have to do the overhaul maintenance to yourself periodically. Witches were humans originally, so they have to "contort" their bodies and existences for altering themselves to be mighty supernatural beings. The distortion of them can't be kept forever if they don't maintain it. Therefore, witches have to dismantle their own existences, disintegrate their own egos and dismember their oen bodies for processing the rearrangement and redefinition of their own parts, that's so called Periodical Overhaul Maintenance.

    Josephine is such a witch. Today she separates herself into several parts and sets each of them in different states, then she creates magical fairies for doing the job instead of herself because she will not exist soon for a while. A witch will be in her weakest time during her overhaul maintenance such that she just allows beings she created to do the maintenance to her dismantled self, though those beings are not capable and simple minded.

    If you have enough magic knowledge and get yourself into Josephine's room in such a moment, you may have the chance to control and manipulate Josephine's parts, and she even won't know that. After she has been reassembled again, she will find that she has become another one, if not another thing...

"I have a weird feeling about myself... Had me been assembled right?"

