
2019年6月7日 星期五

166d Ayase & Ichimu: Aragaki Or Oumae (04)

Previous episode:
First episode:

    Yes, Ayase had to face the reality, face her unwanted self. She told the Order everything she knew about herself and the Oumae family. Her Oumae sensed that she seemed like as if she prepared to betray the Oumae and acted against her will, but she forced her Oumae to obey her with her full power. Then Ayase submitted her plan to the Order.

    Later, the Order dismantled Ichimu's body for executing Ayase's plan. They let the Divine Guitarist handle the plan. Ayase also let the Order separate her head from her body, then she loosed her control over herself to let herself be turned into Oumae. At the same time, the Order deactivated both of Ayase's parts.

    Two sets of body parts of the Oumae family were under the Order's control. The Order made them can access each other restrictedly and monitored the process.

    In the Oumae family, Ayase's body parts were subject to Ichimu's body parts since the former was produced from the latter. So, the Order could manipulate Ayase's separated body parts through Ichimu's. Ayase got disintegrated as first, and she would be rebuilt from the communications between Ayase's and Ichimu's parts.

    In Ayase's inner virtual world, her will almost reassembled her spirit pieces into herself. That one was Oumae Ayase, but this spiritual existence was directed by Aragaki Ayase's will. "She" stood in from of her origin: the one who came from Oumae Ichimu's belly.

    It was the most suffering moment. Ayase's spiritual existence got broken for hundreds times before she could face it. However, she had to accept her true self after all.

-to be continued-

