
2019年2月25日 星期一

158 New Device For Tamako

About Tamako, please read
Previous story:

    Finally Black Cat realized that Tamako's dream of being a normal girl, she decided to make her dream come true-- not at all, but at least a bit.

    Black Cat discussed it with Ayase. They made a device which was the combination of Ayase's cross and the pseudo head. They installed the new device on Tamako's body.

    Tamako's pseudo head was shut and her body was so nervous since it couldn't look, hear and think without a head. Later, the device got activated. It built up the connection to Tamako's pseudo head and generated a virtual figure of Tamako's face on Tamako's neck.

    Tamako was so happy because of the embodiment of her new substitute head. She actually still looked and heard through her pseudo head and the head embodiment also took her memories by accessing her pseudo head, but the device set Tamako to have the feeling that the head embodiment was her head.

    Tamako embraced her pseudo head in her hands, it looked, heard, spoke and memorized things for her, but it was not her head, just an organ in vitro. Tamako turned back her pseudo head to let it look at her head embodiment, then she smiled and kissed lips of her emotionless pseudo head. What a brand new experience!

