
2019年2月27日 星期三

420 Vampire: Hug It Immediately

About vampire, please read:

    Kaori is a vampire girl, but she's impure. Her central body belongs to human, it's weak and fragile. However, Akira had never been troubled with that whatever a human girl or a vampire she is, until she met Akira.

    Kaori sensed that she liked Akira, but she worried about that her vampire characteristic might scare Akira. She tried to discuss things about vampires with Akira and implied Akira about her truth. Unfortunately, Kaori found that Akira is so chicken-hearted. Even showing Kaori's "vampire mode" photo (Kaori told Akira that it's an edited) to Akira would scare him. Seeing beloved one didn't dare to look the photo of her reality, Kaori felt hurt.

    Finally, Kaori made a decision. She called Akira to go to an abandoned park where few people tread. When Akira arrived, Kaori transformed herself into the vampire battling mode. She separated her ferocious vampire parts (head and legs) from her human central body. Her powerful blood formed magical claws and wings to help her to fight.

    "Yes, I am really a vampire, Akira. But I am also a girl who fall in love with you. Now I show my truth to you, what's your answer?"
 Kaori said.

    "Oh my... I... I... Kaori, I also like you very much, but... Oh! It's so scaring!!!"

    "Gosh, you hurt my heart once more... Anyway, since you also like me as a girl, I don't hesitate anymore. Akiri, I don't push you too much. First step, hug my central body immediately!"

    "Kaori, I... I will... Alas! I'm scared!!!"

    "Hey! I have had it enough! Shut your mouth and just do! It's an order! Wanna be beaten by me?"

    "Wuuuuuu... I will try..." Akira went to hug Kaori's central body nervously.

    "Ow...Finally, I am being hugged by you... Isn't my body soft and warm? It's the human part of me. The heart which belongs to you is inside this sector, too. Can you fell it? Akari, I love you."

    "Kaori, though I'm a bit scared, it's very comfortable to hug your body. I love you, too. Thank you for accepting such a coward to be your boyfriend. Not your human part, I will try my best to be close to your vampire parts. Your legs, your head, they are so lovely. I want myself to love them!"

2019年2月25日 星期一

158 New Device For Tamako

About Tamako, please read
Previous story:

    Finally Black Cat realized that Tamako's dream of being a normal girl, she decided to make her dream come true-- not at all, but at least a bit.

    Black Cat discussed it with Ayase. They made a device which was the combination of Ayase's cross and the pseudo head. They installed the new device on Tamako's body.

    Tamako's pseudo head was shut and her body was so nervous since it couldn't look, hear and think without a head. Later, the device got activated. It built up the connection to Tamako's pseudo head and generated a virtual figure of Tamako's face on Tamako's neck.

    Tamako was so happy because of the embodiment of her new substitute head. She actually still looked and heard through her pseudo head and the head embodiment also took her memories by accessing her pseudo head, but the device set Tamako to have the feeling that the head embodiment was her head.

    Tamako embraced her pseudo head in her hands, it looked, heard, spoke and memorized things for her, but it was not her head, just an organ in vitro. Tamako turned back her pseudo head to let it look at her head embodiment, then she smiled and kissed lips of her emotionless pseudo head. What a brand new experience!

2019年2月20日 星期三

157 Ayase: First Head-Off

This story fellows "129 Ayase: From Aragaki To Oumae" and "142 Ayase: Disarmed":
And the "adult version" of Ayase comes from this series "Afternoon Talk":
More instructions about Aragaki/Oumae Ayase:

    Before being "Oumaelized", Ayase couldn't do head-off. Changes happened to her existence bit by bit as time went by since the day she was brought to the Oumae main house. Every time when she left the Oumae main house, she was still Aragaki Ayase again. However, she could feel something is getting freaked out subtly about her own self. Sometimes Ayase might feel unfamiliar with her own body, the one which was the fundamental of her existence and supported to be totally realized by her.

    For example, when Ayase concentrated herself on thinking, she often had the feeling that her body left her and acted automatically just like it's not hers. She even felt that her body had surreal connection with something outside her. However, when she awoke astonishingly, she would find that her body still belonged to her and connected to her neck firmly.

    Ayase might feel scared and touch her neck. " Whoa, thank God, it's still here..." Ayase might say.

    Things won't be unalterable forever. As Ayase getting Oumaelized deeper and deeper, her body changed more and more. Finally, Ayase(Aragaki) met her headless body.

    Ayase was shocked, her head was floating in the air. Her body was standing in a strange pose and stopped moving in that moment. Ayase looked at her own body and couldn't make sure that it was still under her control, and she didn't dare to try. She yelled at her body and got no response. Later, Ayase tried to move her hands, and her hands moved as her wish, then the the impasse got broken.

    However, her body was separated from her after all, she had to solve the problem. She tried to embody her imagination into spiritual wings to fly her head, then Ayase brought her headless to her mentor, Father Paul Smith. " Hey, Father, help me! You see, my body..." Ayase didn't forget to take off shoes even in such an event, and she took a cardboard for hiding the exposed cross section of her neck.

    " Oh my God, demon, GO AWAY!!" Seeing a head flying toward him, Father Smith held the cross in hands, he was going to exorcise the demon... Orz

    " Dear Father! I am your pupil, Ayase! Not a demon!" Ayase explained her situation to Father Smith. She let Smith appraise her separated body and head to determine if it was tainted by evil or heathen power, or it was a Catholic Christian miracle.

    Finally, the church accepted Ayase's separated body and head as the holy miracle. The church issued  the Faithful Eye, an a superb relic piece to Ayase for strengthening capability of her detachable head.

    Now Ayase can do head-off whatever she wants, and her head becomes her third weapon.

2019年2月13日 星期三

156 Pray For Saving The Precious Soul

About Ayase:

    Ayase often fights devilish beings and destroys them thoroughly with her blessed legs. However, not all of those beings are born to be evil. For example, today Ayase terminated a monster girl whom had been converted by another powerful demon. There was nothing Ayase could do except "purifying" her with Ayase's ultimate weapons. Finally the monster girl had been torn into pieces. Ayase felt very sad about that, she looked at the girl's sister and said: "At least, I can pray for her. May the Lord save her precious soul..."

    Marvelously, the monster girl's severed legs knelt down as Ayase began to pray. Her poisoned and wounded heart flew to Ayase, and an angel ring appeared above that heart. No doubt her soul will be saved definitely!