
2017年3月19日 星期日

312 Clang The Gong And Beat The Drum

About heterogeneous magical beings, please read

    If you want to celebrate something, there's a Chinese phrase for you: 敲鑼打鼓. It means "clang the gong and beat the drum". Surely, you don't really need to do that if you are celebrating.

    However, in Taoyundao, it's not just a phrase. A magical being may come for the festival--

    Oh yes, you can clang her gong and beat her drum, and she will bring more good luck for you. But remember, just use the "legal" stick which will be transformed from her head if you hold it. If you use other sticks to hit her gong and drum, the head will start screaming because you hurt the core part of her body. She will leave and you will be cursed.

    Please treat this tame monster gently if she come to your party, she will strengthen your happiness!

