117b Kirinrin- 21 Years Old (b) -- Fan Service
About "Golden Magician" Kirinrin, please read:http://taoyundao.blogspot.tw/2014/05/other-black-cats-buddies-kirinrin.html
First episode:
Robert is a big fan of Kirinrin. One day he sneaked up behind Kirinrin after her magic show, and he found that Kirinrin's magic isn't that in general meaning; it's true magic. He told Kririnrin the secret he found next day and asked for the "fan service": he wanted to be a part of his goddess once.
"Oh~ My god, you are a stalker and want to be part of me! How disgusting!"
"Don't... Wow, don't stop scolding me! But I am not a stalker, just love you too much, my goddess~"
"Stop saying those freak things! Okay, I promise you to move you onto my body parts by my magic, and then you'll never tell my secret to anyone, okay?"
"In the name of my Goddess Kirinrin, I vow never to reveal the secret. BTW, I'll like to be your parts together with my daughter."
"Okay, I... Uh? What did you say, YOUR DAUGHTER?"
"Yes, you will understand."
Then Kirinrin enchanted Robert and his "daughter" with her magic power.
"Wow, Elsa, you see! We become Kirinrin's legs!"
"...So that's your daughter?"
"You're right. Kirinrin, will you like to walk some steps? I want to feel myself as your parts!"
"Well...(walk) Are you satisfied?"
"Totally wonderful! Now let's take a photo! Say cheese~"
"Ha-- Haha..."
That takes the take! =D =D =D
回覆刪除It sounds like a great humor to me ;)
刪除That takes the cake! =D =D =D
回覆刪除Thank you, delicious XD