
2014年10月6日 星期一

108 Mysteries Of My Own Parts

About Aoi and her cat fairies, please see:

After walked several miles, necromancer Aoi feels a bit tired and plans to take a rest. Suddenly Aoi gets some strange feeling:

"Err? My right leg? And... Cherry?"

Cherry, one of her cat fairies, appears and seems that she's talking to something which is not supposed to be able to talk.

"Cherry! What are you doing with my right leg there? I even don't know when you took it away~ ><"
"Hi master! I am talking to Righty, your right leg! I didn't take her away from you, it was that she came to me!"
"Righty? Oh~ My right leg even has a name, and it can talk!"
"Yeah, master. Since you are resting now, hope you don't mind that."
"Well... Okay...:p "

Cherry is talking to Righty happily, though Aoi still doesn't feel any thing specical from her right leg. She can move her right leg in this situation, but Cherry will object to Aoi of her rude deeds of unwillingly controlling over Cherry's friend.

"Huh... Cherry, I never know that you can talk to my righy leg... Very nice..."
"Hum? Oh, not only right leg, I can talk to all of your parts, including your head."
"All my parts! Ha...hahaha... I vow that I will not be astonished by anything from now on, haha..."
"And not just me can talk to your parts, all of we cat fairies can do that. For example, Grape's best friend is Lefty, your left leg--"

"While you sleep, Grape will hug Lefty and bring her away. She likes to sing songs gently with Lefty. And--"

"Strawberry likes to wrestle your parts. Your parts are too weak, they lost every fight..."
"Hahahahahaha!!! All of my parts can do things that I don't know! I am going to be crazy!"
"Hey master, all of your parts are good girls, and they form you. I think you can be proud of them, dear master."

2 則留言:

  1. Even Aoi is detachable! :D
    Wonderful "Fairy Tale"

  2. She never thought her body parts could be detached, but her fairies know her body better than her XD
    Aoi fairies were created by her, her parts form her, but both things still have many unknown properties to her and serve her very well. Aoi somehow senses the happiness for that--she is the innocent princess whom is well treated in her kingdom of her self-conscious body and fairies.
